(PRP injections + Hi Frequency Ultrasound)

Vaginal laxity is a common subsequence of childbirth and its side effects include a loss of feeling during intercourse. Vaginal revitalization with High Frequency Ultrasound is a treatment for women who want to boost their confidence and wellbeing when it comes to intimate issues such as enjoyment of sex and urinary incontinence. Quite simply put, it’s a treatment that makes the vagina feel tighter, stronger and more responsive again. Just like skin, vaginal tissue relies on collagen and elastin for its support. By naturally stimulating the formation of healthy new collagen and elastin cushioning, the tissue literally becomes renewed.

Our Vaginal Revitalization/Rejuvenation Program are in-office non-invasive, all-natural, painless non-surgical procedures for women, that rejuvenate and revitalize vaginal and clitoral function, giving you dramatically improved sensitivity and significantly enhance of your sex life.

Many women lose urine while coughing, laughing, sneezing or exercising. It can be an embarrassing and frustrating problem. Because our Vaginal Revitalization/Rejuvenation Program offers rejuvenating capabilities, there is help available without the need for invasive surgery.

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Who are ideal candidates for the PRP Vaginal Rejuvenation Therapy?

Ideal candidates for this procedure are women who seek:

  • Stronger orgasms
  • Increased Sexual Desire
  • Increased Natural Lubrication
  • Decreased Urinary Incontinence
  • More Orgasms
Is it an uncomfortable treatment?

“Definitely not! Vaginal revitalization with PRP + High Frequency Ultrasound work at a cellular level to stimulate your own body to rebuild and restore collagen within the vaginal tissue – without surgery, without pain and without down time. What makes this treatment unique as well is that it actually cools the surface of the tissue while gently heating the deeper tissue, which adds to the safety and comfort.”

How many treatments do I need and when will I see results?

Our protocol for Vaginal revitalization with high frequency ultrasound is 3 treatments spaced 1 week apart. It is not painful and there is no downtime. Tightening results are seen after the first treatment session. Additionally, as collagen is being re-built and blood supply is increased, rejuvenation results will continue to improve over several months. Typically, a session takes approx. 50-60 minutes. The Vaginal Rejuvenation procedure for incontinence and sensitivity is a revolutionary approach to restore the sensations patient has lost.


(PRP injections + Shock Wave Therapy)

Optimize your sexual performance

Imagine knowing all you know today and being able to perform as well as you did in your twenties. It is possible with our PENIS REVITALIZATION program. This program combines Acoustic Wave Therapy with safe, pain-free injections of your own blood (combined with rich nutrients to rejuvenate the penis and stimulate new tissue growth), resulting in improved erections that are larger, firmer and more frequent. This non-surgical program, improves sexual function and satisfaction for yourself and your partner.

 Shock wave therapy (SWT) is a novel modality that has recently been developed for treating erectile dysfunction (ED). Unlike other current treatment options for ED, SWT is unique in that it aims to restore the erectile mechanism in order to enable natural or spontaneous erections. SWT induces cellular microtrauma, which in turn stimulates neovascularization of the treated tissue, and consequently improves blood supply. This effect can start immediately after procedure is done and last for approximately 8-12 weeks. SWT has been applied in many other medical fields: It is used in urology to destroy kidney stones, orthopedic conditions (such as non-union fractures, tendonitis, and bursitis), management of chronic wounds, peripheral neuropathy, and in cardiac vascular disease. SWT on the cavernosal tissue of patients with ED generates improvement of erectile function without any adverse effects during or after the treatment.

The improvement in erectile function together with the improvement in penile hemodynamics following SWT confirm that this procedure has unique properties that may create a new standard of care for men with ED. SWT is both feasible and tolerable and without any adverse or unwanted effects. It improves and restores erectile function in men with ED without additional pharmacotherapy. Hence, SWT is an appealing addition to the armamentarium of existing treatment options for ED.

 By the other hand, the PRP therapy helps men struggling with erectile dysfunction to achieve firmer, stronger and larger erections. This groundbreaking therapy uses Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) from the patient’s own body to rejuvenate damaged and aged tissue. Because the PRP comes from your own body, it is a natural and effective treatment for erectile dysfunction.

Because most men see almost instantaneous results, you can enjoy sexual relations on the day of the procedure!

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    What are the benefits of our program?
    • Increased circulation within the penis for overall pelvic floor health
    • Increased sensation and pleasure
    • Quantity and quality of erections improve
    • Enhanced intimacy for you and your partner
    • Penis size may increase
    • No allergic reactions
    • Nonsurgical with minimal pain
    Who are ideal candidates for the PENIS REVITALIZATION program?

    Many men of all ages and in varying degrees of health are good candidates for the PRP ED shots, especially those of you who:

    • Want a stronger longer erection
    • Wish there were a non-pharmaceutical treatment for ED
    • Desire greater sensation during intimacy
    • Want an increase in length and girth of the penis
    • Suffer from enlarged prostates or have had prostate cancer

    It is important to remember that results vary from person to person and no procedure works for all people. For men who currently require medications for erectile dysfunction, the PRP ED Therapy may enable you to lower your dosage but may not always allow their discontinuation. Smokers may see less dramatic results.

    To further enhance male performance, PPR ED Therapy is combined with Shock Wave Therapy, a noninvasive and pain-free treatment that utilizes acoustic sound waves to promote new tissue and blood vessel growth in the penis, which, in turn, restores and increases blood flow. Greater blood flow means firmer erections and increased sensation.

    Does it hurt?

    The entire procedure is painless or with a minimum discomfort, because topical anesthesia is applied to the penis in the areas to be treated. Typically, the procedure takes approx. 50-60 minutes, involving multiple injections of highly concentrated Platelets-Rich Plasma to the penis using a special micro needle followed by Acoustic Waves applied to five different sites: three along the penile shaft and two at the crural level. Our protocol consists of two treatment sessions per week for 3 weeks, a 3-week no-treatment interval, and a second 3-week treatment period of two treatment sessions per week. Our PENIS REVITALIZATION program is a revolutionary approach to restore the sensations patient has lost.