Most people who are nutrient deficient have absolutely no idea. A comprehensive blood test will show you where you’re running low and how to address deficiencies right away.

Our lab test may include a detailed analysis of:

♦ Hormones

♦ Autoimmune Disease

 ♦ Heavy metals

♦ Allergies

♦ Food sensitivity

Why take a Micronutrient Test?

Even if you eat healthy and take your vitamins and supplements religiously, there’s a good chance you’re still vitamin deficient. All bodies are different, meaning you may absorb some, but not all of the nutrients you take in through food. 

If you experience frequent headaches or start your day feeling tired or low on energy, you may actually be vitamin deficient. 

Remember that vitamin, mineral and antioxidant deficiencies have been shown to affect the function of the immune system, which can contribute to degenerative processes and illnesses such as Arthritis and Alzheimer’s.

A Micronutrient test measures if you’re low in any of these important nutrients:


♦ Vitamin A

♦ Vitamin B1

♦ Vitamin B2

♦ Vitamin B3

♦ Vitamin B6

♦ Vitamin B12

♦ Biotin

♦ Folate

♦ Pantothenate

♦ Vitamin C

♦ Vitamin D

♦ Vitamin K


♦ Calcium

♦ Magnesium

♦ Manganese

♦ Zinc

♦ Copper

Amino Acids

♦ Asparagine

♦ Glutamine

♦ Serine


♦ Alpha Lipoic Acid

♦ Coenzyme Q10

♦ Cysteine

♦ Glutathione

♦ Selenium

♦ Vitamin E


♦ Testosterone

♦ Estradiol

♦ Progesterone

♦ FSH / LH

♦ Thyroid Hormones (T3, T4)