Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections

At the Pellet Hormone Therapy, we offer the highest-grade Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments for rejuvenation of the:

  • Face (known as the Vampire Face Lift or Liquid Face Lift)
  • Neck, Decollate
  • Hands
  • Hair and Scalp (for the treatment of alopecia, hair thinning or loss)
  • Vaginal Rejuvenation
  • Penis Revitalization

PRP has been used for decades in orthopedic medicine, dentistry, and reconstructive surgery. In recent years, the benefits of PRP are being used in dermatology and cosmetic facial rejuvenation. It is well documented that when injected into the skin, PRP grows new collagen and therefore softens the appearance of wrinkles. More recent research studies indicate that PRP can additionally have a significant impact on softening sun damage (both hyper and hypopigmentation), scaring (including acne scaring), and melasma.

How do platelets rejuvenate skin?

Platelets contain essential growth factors that activate healing and neocollagenesis within the skin. When platelets are injected and needled into your skin (face, neck, scalp), an immune healing response is triggered within your skin. New collagen is produced which gives your skin a smoother more youthful appearance. Follicle stimulation within the scalp is triggered, creating new hair growth.

The essential growth factors that are traditionally known to play a vital healing role in PRP include:

  • FGF (fibroblasts)
  • EGF (epithelial)
  • PDGF (platelet-derived)
  • VEGF (vascular epithelial)
  • TGF-Beta (wound healing)

Not all PRP systems are effective at isolating and harvesting high grade PRP. At the Pellet Hormone Therapy, we utilize the highest-grade PRP collection systems that have been proven effective and mix with appropriate biostimulators to obtain better results. If you are price shopping for a PRP cosmetic treatment, lower cost typically indicates a lower grade PRP collection system is being used.